Types of fire alarm system detectors

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Fire alarm systems detector

When smoke, fire, carbon monoxide or other fire-related emergencies are detected by the detector, the fire alarm system will alert people. These alarms may be activated automatically from smoke detectors and heat detectors, or they may also be activated through manual fire alarm activation devices such as manual call points or pull stations. Alarms can be motorized bells or buzzers or wall-mounted sounds. They can also have speakers that sound an alarm that warns people inside the building not to use the elevator. Depending on the country and manufacturer of the device, the fire alarm detector can be set to specific frequencies and different alarms, including low, medium and high. Most fire alarm systems in Europe sound like an alternating frequency siren. Fire alarm detectors in the US and Canada are known as beepers and can be set continuously or with different codes.


Types of fire alarm system detectors

Types of detectors

  • thermal
  • smoky
  • Combined (thermal smoke)
  • gaseous
  • Independent smoke detector
  • Flame detector
  • Laser detector (beam detector)

smoke detector

Types of fire alarm system detectors

A smoke detector is a device that senses smoke. Smoke detectors are usually housed in plastic housings that are disc-shaped about 150 mm (6 inches) in diameter and 25 mm (1 inch) thick, but the shape and It has different sizes. This detector can detect smoke optically (photoelectric) or by physical process (ionization). Fire alarm detectors may use one or both sensing methods. Sensitive alarms can be used to detect and prevent smoking in prohibited areas. Smoke detectors in large commercial and industrial buildings are usually connected to a central fire alarm system.

Home smoke detectors, also known as smoke alarms, typically issue an audible or visual warning from the detector itself or multiple detectors if multiple devices are connected. Home smoke detectors range from single battery powered units to multiple interconnected units with battery backup. With interconnected units, if any unit detects smoke, the alarm will activate on all units. This happens even if the house is out of power.

As part of a fire alarm system, commercial smoke detectors send a signal to the fire alarm control panel. A stand-alone commercial smoke detector unit does not normally sound an alarm. However, some of them have a built-in speaker.

The risk of dying in a residential fire is cut in half in homes with working smoke detectors. However, some homes have no smoke alarms and some homes have no working batteries in their smoke alarms.

We check the things you should know!
A closed door reduces the spread of smoke, heat and fire. Install detectors in each bedroom and outside each separate sleeping area. In fact, install detectors in every part of the house.
Smoke alarms should all be connected so that when one sounds, they all sound together.
Larger homes may require more detectors.
Test the smoke detector or alarm at least once a month. Press the test button to make sure the detector alarm section is working.
Smoke alarms today are more technically advanced to respond to many fire situations, but you can also reduce the number of false alarms by testing the detectors in a timely manner.
When the smoke alarm goes off, get out and stay out.
Replace all smoke alarms in your home every 10 years.
Facts and figures about smoke alarms
In 2016-2012, more than half (53%) of house fires reported to US fire departments were detected by smoke alarms.
Almost three out of five home fire deaths were caused by fires in homes without detectors (40%) or due to malfunctioning detectors (17%).
Two out of every five deaths (40%) caused by house fires were caused by the absence of smoke detectors.
The death rate per 1,000 fires was more than double in homes with no smoke alarms compared to homes with smoke alarms. (more than 12.3 deaths versus 5.7 deaths per 1000 fires)
In two out of five cases (43%), there were fires where smoke alarms were present but did not work, meaning detectors with batteries were missing or disconnected.
Defective batteries cause a quarter (25%) of detector failures.

Types of fire alarm system detectors

Types of smoke detectors

The smoke detector is one of the most common types of automatic fire alarm system detectors, which have a faster response speed and more coverage than the thermal type, which is suitable for things including wood, paper, and fabric that produce only smoke in the initial moments of a fire. These detectors are designed for constant monitoring and detect and announce the start of fires that have slow and weak thermal effects but produce a lot of smoke. In general, these detectors are more suitable for fires that are smoky.

The smoke detector includes photoelectric (optical), ionization, laser, and inhalation or suction detectors, each of which is more suitable for certain conditions than other detectors.

Ionization detectors are one type of smoke detector. These detectors use small amounts of shielded radioactive material that charge or ionize air molecules between two metal plates. This creates a small electric current from one plate to another in the air. When the particles enter the chamber, they absorb the ions and carry them with them, reducing the current. When the number of particles entering the chamber is enough to reduce that flow below a certain value, the device registers those particles as smoke and an alarm sounds. (As for radioactive material: most of its radiation is trapped inside the device, and even then, the radiation levels in the device are much lower than the natural background radiation we are exposed to every day.)

Another type of common technology is called photoelectric smoke detector. The technology works by detecting light reflected from particles in a light beam inside the sensor housing. When there are no particles in the sensor chamber, the light beam does not hit the light detector, indicating that everything is clear. When particles are present and the amount of light recorded by the light detector reaches a certain threshold, an alarm sounds.

Both types of smoke detectors can detect smoldering “flaming” fires or fast-burning “flaming” fires, but each technology has its own strengths. Ionization-based alarms tend to detect small black smoke particles faster than flaming fires because they are produced in greater numbers and draw more current through the plates. Photoelectric detectors are more sensitive to particles that are larger in size, white or light in color, and therefore more reflective, such as particles emitted from burning fires.

Thermal detector

Types of fire alarm system detectors

The thermal fire alarm detector is a fire alarm device. It is designed for when the thermal energy of fire convection increases the temperature of the heat sensitive element. Thermal detectors have two main classifications of operation: “rate of rise” and “constant temperature”. Heat detectors are used to help reduce property damage. Thermal detectors are sensitive to temperature increases. These detectors are activated when the ambient temperature changes abnormally due to fire. These detectors have a chamber. Inside the chamber there is a bimetal (two metal strips of different materials). The hot air affects the bimetal and the heat closes its contacts and the detector works. These detectors are suitable for places such as kitchens, engine rooms, etc. . . are suitable In the case of electrical appliances, whose fire starts with the emission of heat, this type of detector detects the heat caused by the fire in the very first moments and informs the center of the control panel by closing the relevant electrical circuit and planning actions. automatically and the fire alarms are sounded to inform people of the incident. This type of detector basically includes two types (fixed and sensitive to temperature increase). In this detector, a small calibrated electronic resistance is used as a temperature detector. The operating temperature of these types of detectors is usually around 65 degrees. Thermal detectors in the fire alarm system are especially suitable for environments that normally contain smoke (such as kitchens, boiler rooms, laundries and car parks). To use these detectors, you should pay attention to the maximum coverage, the maximum distance between the wall and the detector, the distance between the detectors, the protrusions on the ceiling, etc. The history of their use is about 30 years.

A constant temperature thermal detector signals when the detection element is heated to a predetermined temperature point. But temperature sensitive detectors signal when the temperature rises above a predetermined level. Temperature rise detection devices can be set to operate quickly, are effective over a wide range of ambient temperatures, typically reset quickly, and can tolerate slow increases in ambient temperature without sounding an alarm. Fixed-temperature hybrid devices respond directly to the rapid increase in ambient temperature caused by a fire, these devices tolerate a slow increase in ambient temperature without triggering an alarm, and automatically reset when the ambient temperature drops.

Heat detectors usually have a higher reliability factor than other types of fire detectors. This results in fewer false alarms. In general, they activate later than other detection devices. They should be considered for installation only where speed of activation is not considered critical or as a backup fire detection device to other fire detection devices. They have the advantage of being suitable for outdoor applications, but the disadvantage is that they do not sense smoke particles or visible flames from the fire.

Over the past years, heat detection technology has made significant progress. Finally, the technology of making this type of detectors is divided into the following four types:

۱- Electromechanical thermal detectors

As the name suggests, in this type, mechanical movement due to heat and electric current causes the detector to work. There are four main types of electromechanical constant temperature thermal detectors.

۱- In the first type, there is a thermostat including a non-metallic strip, one side of which is fixed and the other side moves freely. Due to the increase in temperature, the free non-metallic side moves and collides with an electrical conductor. In fact, the movement of the non-metal moving part and its connection with the conductor creates an electric circuit that causes an alarm.

۲- In the second type, which is the most common type of temperature detector; The sensor is a melting element (made of an alloy that melts at a specific and desired temperature). This type was invented in the years 1970 to 2000. A melting alloy is a combination of two or more metals that have a specific melting temperature and lower than the desired specific temperature. When the temperature of the environment increases to the melting temperature of the alloy, the alloy changes from solid to liquid like solder, and causes the pressure behind it to be released and an electric circuit is formed, causing an alarm.

۳- The third type was used in very old systems, which included a temperature-sensitive wire between two conductive points. The detector consists of a temperature-sensitive wire, one end of which is fixed and the other end of which is on a small pulley wheel. A small weight is placed at the end of the wire to adjust the tension of the wire. When the temperature increases, the length of the wire increases and the weight decreases. This system is calibrated in such a way that at a certain temperature when the wire has reached a certain amount of tension, the contact of the weight with a conductor creates an electric circuit and announces an alarm. These types of detectors are no longer produced.

۴- In the fourth type of fixed-temperature electromechanical thermal detectors, the detector is expanded, which is known as a thermal linear detector, which includes two conductive filaments twisted together in the receiver, which are separated from each other by a special non-conductive plastic cover, and on There is a coating on all of them. When the temperature next to these strands rises to a certain temperature, the plastic coating becomes water and causes the two conductive strands to be short-circuited, which forms an electric circuit to the central system.I am alarmed

۲- opto-mechanical thermal detector (optical mechanical)

This type of detectors are actually very advanced type of electromechanical detectors. These detectors consist of one or more optical fiber cables that are separated from each other by a temperature-sensitive non-conductive coating and protected by an outer coating. Focused light is constantly passing through the fibers. When the rising temperature at a certain temperature melts the non-conductive coating, the degree of light radiation inside the fiber changes or its continuity is lost, this change, which is being monitored by a special optical fiber equipment, is used as an alarm to the system. The fire alarm center reports.

۳- electro-pneumatic thermal detector

Electropneumatic detection with rate of temperature change was first used in 1941 to make thermal detectors. The electropneumatic thermal detector is housed in a controlled ducted chamber receiver and includes a diaphragm that moves with pressure changes based on the rate of ambient temperature changes. When the ambient temperature changes faster than the calibrated rate (for which the discharge duct is designed) the diaphragm moves enough to create an electrical circuit and trigger the fire alarm. The main advantage of this type of detector is that it is not limited to a fixed temperature and works in a temperature range.

۴- Electronic thermal detector (thermistor)

The most common type of detector in Australia are thermistors, which are equipped with an electronic device or a thermistor as a heat-sensitive element. Thermistor is a type of resistor whose internal resistance changes with temperature. These types of detectors act both as constant temperature detectors and sensitive to the rate of temperature changes, which depends on the type of design. This type of detector can include special features to reduce false alarms, so this type of detectors have solved the problem of false alarms to some extent.

There are five temperature classifications for thermal detectors to use, based on whether the detectors are constant temperature or sensitive to temperature rate changes.

Type A (white dot):

Normal temperature type that is a combination of two types of constant temperature (between 58 and 88 degrees Celsius) and sensitive to temperature rate changes.

Type B (blue dot):

Normal temperature type, which is only a constant temperature type (between 58 and 88 degrees Celsius).

Type C (green dot):

High temperature type, which is a combination of two types of constant temperature (between 88 and 132 degrees Celsius) and sensitive to temperature rate changes.

Type D (red dot):

High temperature type, which is only a constant temperature type (between 88 and 132 degrees Celsius).

Type E (green dot):

A special constant temperature type that is used when one of the types A to D does not meet the needs of the system.

smoke and heat detector (combined)

Types of fire alarm system detectors

This fire alarm detector model is a combination of two smoke and thermal sensors. , it is used for places where a possible fire cannot be predicted. The smoke and heat detector is a combination of two smoke and heat sensors, it is used for cases where it is difficult to predict the type of fire or the possibility of both types of smoke or heat generating fire. have The most common use of multi-sensor or combined detectors is in archive rooms, libraries, kitchens connected to halls and hotels.

Types of combined detectors

Today, with the advancement of technology, fire safety equipment has become very affordable as well as advanced. At the forefront of this technology are multi-detectors or multiple fire detection sensors. These sensors will have a quick and reliable reaction to control the fire by quickly identifying the smoke from the fire.

By using multiple alarm sensor system or multi detector, which is also known as smoke detection system or combined alarm system, there is no need to use single mode alarm systems (equipped with a fire detection sensor). These multi-mode detectors not only reduce the possibility of error in fire detection, but are also environmentally friendly due to the production of less radioactive materials, solving storage and ionization problems. It is also important to mention here that this smoke detector does not cause any harm to those who install it or to those who have a multi-detector in their building.

What is meant by thermoptec technology?

It is a type of smoke alarm sensor technology that is included in the Pro Connected multiple smoke alarm sensor technology suite. This technology is used in more than 90% of fire and rescue services in England. Thermotec technology shows a very fast reaction against fire. Also, places equipped with this technology provide more opportunities to their residents to escape from fire areas. This technology is available at an affordable price, selling for the same cost as other single sensor units available.

How does the thermoptec detector work?

Thermotec multi-detector technology is a combination of the latest and most updated optical sensing system and heat sensitive system. As a result, this technology has two separate smoke and heat measurement systems. In this technology, if the temperature increases, the sensitivity of the smoke sensor is increased, and as a result, it shows a quick response to widespread and flaming fires. Thermotec’s multi-detectors respond much faster than single-sensor fire alarms and are also much less prone to false alarms. Also, these multi-detectors have the ability to be easily installed in reception rooms, halls, corridors, hallways, and bedrooms.

What is thermistak technology?

While today BS 5839-6:2019 recommends the installation of multi-sensor smoke alarm technology throughout the home, only heat-sensitive and carbon monoxide alarms are suitable for installation in the kitchen.

Considering that more than 60% of fires usually occur in the kitchen, it is necessary to install a multi-fire detector that has advanced heat early warning technology. Considering this issue, it is recommended to install a multi-detector with Thermistek smart technology in the kitchen.

How thermistak technology works:

The heat alarm sensor has a unique heat emitting plate that reflects the direct heat from the fire onto the thermal resistance (thermistor), allowing for a faster response than conventional heat alarms. In addition, using a predictive algorithm, it constantly monitors temperature changes.

If an increase in temperature is detected, the amount of increase is measured. If this temperature rise exceeds a predetermined threshold, an alarm will sound. This fire prediction feature also provides a faster response to the fire to extinguish the fire when the temperature rises rapidly. If the temperature is rising at an alarming rate, it provides the alarm to be activated to respond more quickly to the fire to put it out.

Thermistak multi heat detectors are suitable for installation in kitchens because these alarms will not be sensitive to the heat caused by cooking heat. Also, they use this detector in warehouses, garages and attics where there is usually a lot of smoke and dust.

Other features of fire safety multi detectors:

۱) All multi detectors include a sealed battery for longer life and beautiful design.

۲) Having large terminal blocks as well as simple two-part installation of its warning components makes the installation of the detector very simple and fast.

۳) This detector is designed for easy installation in new buildings and renovated places.

۴) It is very easy to test.

۵) Multi-detectors limit false alarms due to having different sensors.

In addition to all the mentioned items, multi-detectors equipped with thermoptic and thermistic technology also have the following good features:

۱) Uniting all alarms: By pressing the test button, all alarms can be silenced except for the initial network alarm.

۲) Recognizing the type of alarm from its sound: If all alarms are not unified, the type of alarm caused by smoke, heat or carbon monoxide can be recognized from its sound.

۳) Its low consumption: the energy consumption of this type of multi-detectors is almost 10% lower than the average provided in AC 230V.

۴) Smart not alarming: It allows you to set the alarm up to 10 minutes in case of a false alarm.

Don’t come out. During this time, if additional smoke is detected, the alarm will be activated.

Independent smoke detector

Types of fire alarm system detectors

This fire alarm detector works independently with a 9-volt battery (no need for a panel) and the alarm is activated automatically after detecting smoke. A stand-alone smoke detector is a device that uses a projected light beam to detect smoke over large areas, usually as a fire indicator. A stand-alone smoke detector (also called a photoelectric smoke alarm) is an alarm that contains a pulsed infrared LED that shines a light beam into the sensor chamber every 10 seconds to detect smoke particles. When a certain percentage of Passing light blocked by smoke, fire signal is given. This detector works independently with a 9-volt battery (no need for a panel) and the alarm is automatically activated after detecting smoke.

Operation steps of the independent smoke detector

Step 1 – The smoke enters the optical chamber.

When a fire occurs, smoke enters the optical chamber through the opening vents. Smoke alarms from quality manufacturers protect their enclosures with insect screens to prevent bugs from entering and causing false alarms.

Step 2 – Infrared light is scattered.

When the smoke enters the optical chamber, its particles cause the infrared light to scatter on the photodiode light receiver.

Step 3 – The alarm will sound.

When the scattered light hits the photodiode light receiver, a signal is sent to the integrated circuit that causes the alarm to sound and alert the occupants of the fire.

Where to place optical smoke alarms

The independent smoke detector can be placed in bedrooms and living rooms and in the hallway on the ground floor. Optical technology makes alarms less prone to false alarms caused by cooking fumes.

Flame detector

Types of fire alarm system detectors

Flame fire alarm detector is a sensor designed to detect and respond to the presence of flame or fire and provides the possibility of flame detection. The response to a detected flame depends on the installation, but can include sounding the alarm, disabling the fuel line (such as a propane or natural gas line), and activating a fire suppression system. Used in places like industrial furnaces, their role is to verify that the furnace is working properly. It can be used to shut down the ignition system, although in many cases they take no direct action beyond notifying the operator or control system. A flame detector can often respond faster and more accurately than a smoke or heat detector because of the mechanisms it uses to detect a flame.

One of the most important detectors used in the safety and fire prevention industries is the flame detector. This detector detects fire by analyzing the frequencies in the air and analyzing it using infrared rays and its changes in the environment. The application of this detector is usually in open spaces, so they are widely used in oil, gas and petrochemical industries. Flame detectors are also classified based on the type of fire and combustible material, and in different applications and in different brands, they have different fire detection coverage radius.

Types of optical flame detectors

There are different types of flame detectors, each of which is used in different environments and places.

Ultraviolet (UV) detector
Infrared (IR) radiation detector
Infrared flame detector
Combined ultraviolet and infrared detector (UV/IR)
Multi-infrared detectors (IR3)
Radiation emission

Fire emits radiation that the human eye experiences as visible red-yellow flame and heat. In fact, during a fire, relatively diffuse UV energy and visible light energy are emitted. A multi-frequency flame detector with sensors for UV, visible light, near IR and/or broadband IR has much more “sensor data” to calculate and therefore can detect more types of fires and better diagnose these types of fires.

Square law

If the distance between the flame and the flame detector is large compared to the dimension of the fire, the square law must be applied: if the flame detector can detect a fire of area A at a given distance, then the flame area is 4 times larger. It is necessary if the distance between the flame detector and the fire is doubled.

Laser detector (beam detector)

Types of fire alarm system detectors

Beam fire alarm detector is one of the most practical types of smoke fire alarm detector that is used in fire alarm networks. Beam detector fire alarm covers a wide area of ​​the area and there is no need for cabling and piping. Beam detectors are produced and supplied in two sizes of 40 and 80 meters. These detectors are reflective type and with motorized technology, they can be installed at a height of 2.5 to 25 meters.

It is clear that using common sensors (point detectors) is not very difficult and cost-effective in large and large environments such as factories, production and storage sheds, museums, cinema halls and amphitheatres, and similar environments. which should use beam detectors (laser or linear detector).

Gas Detector

A gas detector is a device that detects the presence of gases in an area, often as part of a safety system. This type of detector can sound the alarm for the residents in the area where the gas leak occurs and give them the opportunity to leave the building and contact the fire department. A detector is one of the most important fire alarm equipment because there are many gases that can be harmful to human or animal life. Gas detectors can be used to detect combustible, flammable and toxic gases and oxygen depletion. This type of device is widely used in industry and can be used in places such as oil platforms to monitor production processes and emerging technologies such as photovoltaics. In detectors, the process of detecting and identifying gas leaks is done by sensors.

There are different types of gas detectors available in the market, among which we can refer to fixed detectors and portable detectors. It is portable and informs people about toxic gases in different environments. In addition, visual identification can be done using a thermal camera. These sensors usually use an audible alarm to alert people if a dangerous gas is detected. Detector sensors are commonly used electrochemical gas sensors and metal oxide semiconductor sensors and recently infrared imaging sensors. All these sensors are used for a wide range of applications and can be used in industrial plants, refineries, pharmaceutical production, facilities, pulp mills, aircraft and shipbuilding facilities, wastewater treatment facilities, vehicles, etc. used.

Application of carbon monoxide gas detector

The CO gas detector is an electronic and wireless device that is used to detect carbon monoxide gas, which is an odorless, colorless, poisonous and deadly gas. If this gas accumulates in the home or workplace, the CO gas warning device will notify residents of the presence of this poisonous gas with its loud horn.

It is necessary to have a carbon monoxide alarm in the bedrooms. Because it can inform residents when there is gas leakage from heating equipment and reduce the possibility of suffocation due to gas leakage.

Contrary to popular belief that CO2 is heavier than air, the CO detector can be installed on the ceiling or wall and achieve the desired performance.

Carbon monoxide detectors have different beep patterns to alert occupants of an emergency or simply needing to be replaced. It is important to know the difference between the horns. If the horn sounds and then stops, it means that there is carbon monoxide in the air and you should leave the place immediately. One beep every minute means the detector’s battery is low and needs to be replaced for emergency use. Five beeps per minute means that the detector has reached the end of its life and needs to be replaced. It is important to test your detectors regularly, but it is recommended that you test them at least once a month. If your carbon monoxide detector has replaceable batteries, they should be replaced at least every 6 months.

۲۲۰v gas leak detector

Types of fire alarm system detectors

۲۲۰v gas leak detector is a very smartly designed and produced product. One of the prominent features of this smart sensor is the ability to connect to a variety of security systems (alarm) and fire alarm. In the production of the gas leak detector, a type of gas sensor with a global standard and high reliability has been used, which will bring peace of mind in using this sensor. At any time, the user can activate the test on the sensor of this detector through the key and ensure its correct operation. Other special features of this detector are the ability to work with city electricity (220 volts) as well as the ability to work with solenoid valves and electromechanical arm and its sensitivity to all types of natural (city) gases and capsules. Specifically, the features of this product are as follows:

High reliability sensor.
Automatic reset after alarm.
Benefiting from MCU processing technology and the ability to remove any false alarms.
It has a manual test button.
Ability to work with solenoid valves and electromechanical arm and control ventilation and ventilators.
Switching power supply.
Possessing SMT manufacturing technology and high stability in different conditions.
Wall installation.
Output during alarm: normal mode N/O and can be changed to N/C, siren, 12 V DC, LED flasher
According to the standard: GB15322-2003

In addition to the above, the gas leak detector has the following features.

Multiple Gas Detection: Household gas detector suitable for detection of LPG, natural gas, coal gas, fuel gas, synthetic gas, liquefied petroleum gas, liquefied natural gas, etc.

Audio Alert Playback: Provides audio notification and digital readout of gas concentration. When the gas leak concentration reaches the preset level, the alarm will sound. The alarm sound of 85 dB reduces the risk of gas explosion and protects the safety of your family’s life and property.

Wide application: This product can be widely used for restaurant, hospital, hotel, oil factory, garage, gas station, etc.

Easy installation: The gas leak detector sensor adopts easy-to-install design, it can be used to detect leaking gas by directly plugging into the power outlet.

Things to know when using a smoke detector or sensor!

Correctly installing detectors and making sure they work properly is an important step in making your home and family safe from fire.

Choose detectors that have a recognized laboratory label.
Install the detector inside any bedroom, outside any sleeping area, and on any level of the home, including the basement.
Install the detector in the living room (family room) or near the staircase on the upper level, or both.
The detector installed in the basement should be installed on the ceiling in the highest part, including in the basement, basement, etc.
Detectors should be installed at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from stoves or ovens to minimize false alarms during cooking.
Install the detectors on the roofs in the upper parts and remember, it should be noted that the accumulation of smoke is placed at the highest level and it should not be too far from the roof.
If you have a sloped roof, install the smoke sensor within 1 meter of the peak but not at the peak (four inches below the peak).

Types of fire alarm system detectors

Do not install the detector near windows, doors or ducts as it may interfere with their operation.
Never paint smoke detectors or alarms. Paint, stickers, or other decorations can prevent alerts from working.
For best protection, connect all smoke detectors or sensors together. When a smoke alarm goes off, they all go off. Connections can be made using wired or wireless technology.
When installing connected smoke alarms, it is important that all alarms are from the same manufacturer. If the alerts are not consistent, they may not sound.
There are two types of smoke alarms – ionization and photoelectric. Ionization smoke alarms are generally more responsive to flames and photoelectric smoke alarms to fire smoke. [It should be noted that in Iran, according to the instructions of the Atomic Energy Organization, the use of ionized detectors is prohibited due to the radioactivity present in the sensor, and it is collected if observed.]
Detector test
The detector should be maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Test the detector at least once a month using the test button. [In Iran, in the case of local detectors, make sure that everyone in the house understands the sound of the alarm and knows how to react.]
Check the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning the detector so that smoke alarms work properly. Instructions are included in the package or you can find them online.
Detectors with 10-year non-replaceable batteries are designed to last up to 10 years.
If the smoke detector or sensor warns that the battery is low, replace the entire smoke alarm immediately. Detectors with any other type of battery require a new battery at least once a year. If the detector warns that the battery is low, replace the battery immediately.
When replacing the battery, check the manufacturer’s battery list on the back of the detector or the manufacturer’s instructions.
The manufacturer’s instructions are specific to the batteries to be used (brand and model), if a different type of battery is used, the detector may not work properly.
Interconnected detectors increase safety
When detectors were located separately on all floors, they sounded in 37% of fires.
When detectors were not on all floors, only 4% of fires sounded.
In homes where detectors were connected, alarms sounded in half (53%) of fires.

[Of course, it should be noted that in Iran, the use of an alarm system, as a fire alarm system, does not have a standard, and in Iran, all detectors are connected together and there are only local detectors that work individually, in fact, in Iran because An alarm system is not used, so where there is a fire alarm detector, they are all connected to each other.]

Types of fire alarm system detectors

Every business needs the best fire protection model. There are four types of fire detectors that fire experts can advise you on. Heat and smoke are the two main components of fire and these are the ones that make fire and fire spread very dangerous. That’s why you should use whichever one you need depending on your business conditions.


Ionization detectors are activated whenever they detect the presence of smoke. These detectors have two metal plates inside, where electric current flows back and forth. When smoke reaches the chamber, it interrupts the current, which indicates an alarm. Ionization-based detectors are best used in areas where fires can spread quickly, such as commercial kitchens.


Photoelectric fire detectors are similar to their ionized counterparts. However, they rely on light rather than electrical current. Smoke entering the housing of these units causes disturbances in the light rays that these detectors produce. Whenever this happens, an alarm is triggered. Photoelectric fire detectors have two useful advantages over ionization-based detectors. They can detect smaller fires and are also less likely to cause false alarms.


While everyone understands how dangerous a fire can be, the risk of a fire is not always theirs. Heat is also a problem because extreme heat can cause fires to spread. Heat can also trigger alarms in fire alarm devices most of the time. Heat detectors are not as sensitive as other fire detectors commonly used in commercial facilities. This can be a drawback, especially in buildings where excessive amounts of steam, dust and moisture are common. Instead, these detectors are an advantage for buildings that don’t typically see human activity, such as warehouses and other storage facilities.

Ionization / photoelectric

Sometimes, two types of fire detectors are better than one. Fortunately, ionization and photoelectric detectors can be placed in the same unit. These detectors track the amount of smoke in your building and activate when too much is accumulated. However, they don’t activate when they get too hot, because they don’t have a heat sensor.

Selling Hamyar Energy firefighting equipment

If you are looking for a center or a company specialized in this field to provide firefighting equipment for your business or home, Hamiar Energy has you covered. Hamiyar Energy Company has been protecting people and properties from fire by providing specialized firefighting equipment for years – and our experience in this field shows us excellent results and feedback after years of effort. ! We are known for our excellent customer service, expertise and after sales service. For more information on how we can help your residential or commercial property, visit Hamyar Energy’s website online, or call 02157854 and 09128932367 during business hours for advice or to purchase detectors and other firefighting products. Please contact me.

Also, if you need to prepare different types of detectors, you will be able to place an order at the hyperfire firefighting equipment store at www.hyperfire.ir.

Hyperfire firefighting equipment store, the first and largest specialized online store for firefighting equipment in Iran

Types of fire alarm system detectors

Periodic checkup of the smoke detector

Nothing is more important to the safety of your family and customers than smoke detectors and alarms in your building. These devices notify the occupants of the smoke or fire and leave enough time to exit the building safely. If you want to get to know this device in more detail, it is better to refer to the smoke detector or alarm article. You can also read the article “Things to know when using a smoke detector or sensor” to learn more about the essentials in using a detector! Examine.

However, there are some maintenance activities to ensure proper functioning of the detectors. Read on to learn how often you should check your smoke detectors.

Why should you check smoke detectors?

Electronic devices wear out over time and become weaker. The power of the batteries is reduced and as a result, the smoke detectors become less sensitive to their surroundings over time. Dust and dirt can also affect the performance of these devices. You should regularly check your smoke detectors and replace their batteries. In fact, a good practice is to change the batteries in your detectors whenever you change your watch in the fall and spring. Some newer detectors have long-lasting batteries that don’t need to be replaced.

Battery powered smoke detectors

These smoke detectors can easily have a dead battery and should be checked monthly. It is even better to check the test performance further. Even if your detectors are brand new, do not put used batteries in your detectors. As soon as the batteries are inserted, check their operation to make sure they are working properly. You can always contact Hamyarnergy experts for professional advice.

Wired smoke detectors

Wired smoke detectors are powered by your home’s electrical system. They usually have a battery backup so they still work in the event of a power outage. Even if the device runs on your home power, you should still check the batteries. Hardware detectors should be tested monthly. This helps ensure that the device has a good electrical source and that the batteries are working properly.


While your detectors are very reliable, they can still fail. If your smoke detectors start working with a low sound or a chirping sound, this may be a sign that you need to replace the batteries right away. If the alarm goes off while you’re cooking, you may want to move your smoke away from the kitchen. If your detector is prone to false alarms, or if it beeps briefly without anyone touching it, consult your manual or call a professional for inspection.

Fire protection services from Hamiyaranerji

Whether you have installed smoke detectors, fire extinguishers or an automatic sprinkler system in your commercial property, you can ask for advice from the experts at Hamyarnergy.

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