fire truck

خودرو آتش نشانی

fire truck

fire truck


Fire trucks are considered the most specialized and technical rescue vehicles, and many organizations, organizations, factories, industrial units, etc. use the most modern and well-equipped fire trucks to carry out their firefighting missions.

Some large industrial groups or refineries have established a well-equipped fire station in their factory premises and use several tankers and advanced vehicles with a number of trained personnel.

Also, some medium or small industrial units also use small firefighting vehicles, which are called leading vehicles, due to the risks in their work.

Leading vehicles, as one of the vehicles of the fire brigade, can play a very important role in the success of fire brigades at the start of fire extinguishing operations.

These vehicles are made up of different types based on the type of missions they are responsible for.

Types of fire stations

  • fire stations (single purpose)

This station has all the fire engines that, in addition to the duty of extinguishing fire, can handle them in case of various incidents.

  • fire and rescue stations (dual-purpose)

In this station, in addition to having fire fighting machines, they also have specialized rescue equipment in the field of incidents such as floods, earthquakes, etc.

Support stations

This station supports the previous stations, and all the heavy and super heavy fire fighting machines and equipment are kept in these stations.

Fire trucks
Leading fire engine

One of the heavy vehicles in the single-purpose fire station, where the team commander and firefighters are present during the mission, also moves in front of the fleet.

Pesro fire engine

This machine is also located in the single-purpose fire station and its water tank capacity is more than the leading machine, that is why it has the ability to supply the required water in fire extinguishing operations.

Pipe fire truck

This machine is light and is used in small firefighting operations.

Rescue fire truck

This car is related to the dual-purpose fire and rescue station and has specialized and light equipment

fire truck


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