Smoke test spray

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Smoke test spray

Due to the sensitivity of fire alarm equipment, especially fire detectors, it is necessary to check and revise these equipments at certain intervals. Also, due to the sensitivity of these equipments, they cannot be tested with any type of tool, which is one of the tools that It has been introduced to test the smoke detector test spray.

Once your building’s fire alarm system is up and running, you must include regular maintenance and service on your agenda. One of the most important activities in the field of servicing these systems is periodic testing of detectors. One of the ways to test smoke detectors is to use a smoke detector test spray (fire alarm smoke spray) and make sure of their correctness. Using smoke detector test sprays, the smoke detector sensor can be checked. When activating the detector, in addition to making sure that the device has electricity, you must also make sure that the detector’s smoke sensor is working properly. Considering that in order to ensure the proper performance of the detector, they must be tested periodically and every six months, it is necessary to use the smoke detector test spray to check the proper performance of the detector when a fire occurs. If your alarm does not sound when using this product according to the manufacturer’s instructions, your detector sensor may be worn out. In this case, replace your detector immediately.

If an alarm sounds after using the smoke detector test sprays, it means that the detector sensor is working properly. To turn off the alarm after the test, you can use a tissue or a broom to disperse the smoke created by the spray in the environment. Some devices may have a “silence” button that you can press to stop the alarm.

Some types of smoke detector test sprays have handles and clamps, which can be used to test detectors that are at a high height or in places that are not easily accessible.

There are different types of smoke detector test sprays, some of them are used for detectors that have high sensitivity and do not leave any residue, and some of them are also used for calibration equipment, and their effect is quickly It is erased on the equipment.

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Smoke test spray

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