Aerocel fire extinguishing system

سیستم اطفای حریق آیروسل

Aerocel fire extinguishing system

Aerosol extinguishing system is a combination of fine particles and gaseous substances. This system is a special type of gas fire extinguishing system. These particles are in vapor state until discharge. In response to fire extinguishing, this system produces a chain of solid materials and gaseous particles to extinguish the fire. Since heat, fuel, and sufficient oxygen are the three main factors in the ignition of a fire, the aerosol extinguishing system suppresses the fire by eliminating the heat factor. These systems release large particles that surround the fire. After the release of these particles, the heat of the fire decreases and gradually extinguishes the fire.

At the outlet of the system, there is a network for the gradual distribution of aerosol extinguishing. Aerosol extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems can be activated automatically using heat or smoke detection, or manually. The chemical conversion of the solid and gas of this extinguisher is initiated by an electric shock. After activation, the solid composition turns into an expanding extinguishing aerosol, which, after passing through a cooling section, exits the fire extinguisher outlet and extinguishes the fire in the protected area.


Aerocel fire extinguishing system

The basis of the work of an aerosol extinguisher

After the activation of the aerosol extinguishing system, a reaction begins in this system in which the released aerosol binds the free radicals of combustion. The aerosol produced by aerosol fire extinguishers and fire extinguishing systems does not extinguish the fire using suffocation (removal of oxygen) or cooling methods, but rather by stopping the combustion reaction molecularly (by binding free radicals). Suppresses fire without affecting oxygen levels.

Aerosol is made of very small particles. These particles are suspended in a gas. As a result, the ratio of the ignited surface to the mass of the reaction is very high (so that the amount of active substances required to extinguish the fire can be minimized). Particles of these dimensions remain in suspension for a relatively long time, causing them to flow in natural convection currents. This leads to an increase in the effectiveness of the extinguishing agent.

Quenching effect by two physical and chemical actions
Physical effect:

The physical extinguishing action comes from the physico-chemical properties. Compared to other elements, these elements require the least amount of energy for ionization (lowest ionization voltage). For this reason, electrons can be separated from atoms only with a very small amount of energy. The amount of energy required is provided by the abundance of energy in the fire.

Ionization of potassium is indicated by a change in flame color to light purple as the fire goes out. Therefore, the energy in the flame decreases according to the ionization voltage of the elements.

Chemical effect:

During combustion, certain reactions occur sequentially between atoms and fragments of unstable molecules (radicals) in the flame. Such reactions are called radical chain reactions. Due to their unstable nature, radicals tend to reach the final state through further reactions. The stable end products include carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). The potassium released by the decomposition of potassium compounds during combustion with free radicals reacts with unstable hydroxides to produce potassium hydroxide (KOH), a very stable compound. At this stage, the free radical chain reaction is stopped and the flame is extinguished.

Advantages of using aerosol fire extinguishing system

  • It is not harmful to people, environment and equipment.
  • Does not remove oxygen.
  • It does not damage electrical equipment. (Extinguishing without water)
  • It is simple to install. (electrical control)
  • It can be installed directly at the source without the need for plumbing.
  • There is no need for a separate space for its gas tanks.
  • The extinguishing agent in the generator is solid.
  • Due to its long lifespan (at least 15 years), it is economical.
  • Many systems in the market are certified and comply with ISO 15779, EN 15276, UL 2775 and NFPA 2010 standards.

Aerocel fire extinguishing system

Aerosol fire suppression system leads to fire suppression by interrupting the fire chain reaction. This system uses three diagnostic factors: 1- types of detectors, 2- thermocords, 3- thermometer, it finds the ability to receive the command for automatic extinguishing, and as soon as the command arrives, the aerosol extinguishing gas is spread and released in the desired space. This type of gas fire extinguishing system, which is suitable for server rooms, archive rooms, UPS UPS rooms, diesel generator rooms, tanks and valuable equipment storage warehouses, is capable of extinguishing all types of fire in groups A and B. , C, E, F are.

Aerocel fire extinguishing system

Hamiyar Energy Company is ready to carry out fire extinguishing projects in different places by designing and implementing the Aerocell fire extinguishing system. This company has a rich resume in this field and is ready to visit these projects for its valued customers.

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